Dear LGSO players,
It’s gala week! There are several reminders and announcements as we get closer to Saturday, and beyond. Also, so that you don’t have to go searching through old emails, you can reference this one at the players website. (click on the button “gala week email”)
Today, Tuesday, March 8
While we normally have a Tuesday rehearsal of concert week, this is not the case for gala week. There is no rehearsal tonight.
Thursday, March 10: Dress Rehearsal (at Immanuel Lutheran Church)
(Please note earlier times for the gala orchestra)
7:00 Swing Band (swing band violins included. Updated roster here.)
7:50 break
8:00 Ukrainian National Anthem (more info below)
8:20 gala orchestra spots
9:00 gala orchestra, run through entire program
Ukrainian National Anthem
Orchestras around the world have shown their support to those suffering in Ukraine. (Here is a compilation from European orchestras.) While the idea of playing this at the gala was discussed, we decided on an alternative: we will record this piece at Thursday’s rehearsal, then post it on the website, social media, and as an eblast.
All are invited to play, even if you aren’t playing in the gala. (This includes everyone on the sub list as well. If you are receiving this email, you are invited to play.)
Here is the link to all parts. (It’s a little different than the recording.) Pam will have enough parts for those playing in the gala orchestra, so if you’d like to join us for just the Ukrainian National Anthem portion of the evening, please print out and bring with you.
And, to have an idea of how many players to expect, if you aren’t in the gala orchestra but plan on playing, please fill out this form.
Video Recording
Yes, we will be making a video, but there is no guideline for attire. Please wear something that you wouldn’t mind being shared in public. When we record, those who play instruments that allow for standing should plan on doing so.
Gala Timeline, Saturday, March 12
(location is the Grand Geneva, location here. Please allow plenty of time for parking.)
4:15 orchestra warm-up begins
(I realize this is an early call time. But, please make sure you arrive well before 4:15, since this is when we will begin playing. We’ll actually tune a couple of minutes before then. We have 40 minutes in the performance space with the circus performers, so if you miss the beginning, then this means that the first time everyone will experience those particular pieces will be at the performance!)
5:00 doors open for gala guests (this is why we have an early call time. We cannot run late.)
5:30 pizza arrives for players
6:30 dinner begins for gala guests
7:00 players, be ready to take the stage (this will be flexible.)
7:15 (approx): orchestra performance
8:00 auction and paddle raise
(during this time, the swing band can setup)
8:15 swing band
end of the evening (10:15? this is flexible, depending on how long people stay to dance!)
**Is it possible for people to attend only the swing band portion of the evening? Yes, absolutely. We aren’t making a big deal about this, but if you have friends and family who’d like to attend, either to listen or dance to the swing band, they would be welcome to do so (without a ticket). At that time of the evening, there will be a cash bar.
Orchestra Dress Code: Formal
Option 1: Orchestra Concert Black Attire
Option 2: Formal Attire: Tuxedo or Floor-length gown
Gowns: Neckline and length of sleeves are up to the individual but please keep in mind that this is a formal event and the orchestra wants to project an image of elegance and class. Dresses should be long. Shoes should be close-toe. Any color is fine. The decor will be mostly red and white.
Last-Minute Volunteers
Please email asap if you can help.
We are doing a little better, but it would be great if there were a few more purchases in the next day or two! Here is the link. And, thank you for sharing on social media!
We are really excited to start repertoire for the May concert! Full information is available on the players website here. I know this is a long email, and I thank you for reading to the end. Your reward? You can plan on having the week off on March 17! March 24 will be our first rehearsal for the May concert. (Well, this information has been available since September, but now that we are close, you can double-check and make sure you have this marked in your calendar.)
Thanks, and I look forward to seeing you Thursday!