Name- Amy Bachman
Instrument- Violin
Where I Live- Currently in Crystal Lake, IL (but looking forward to moving back to good ‘ol Wisconsin soon!)
How Long I Have Been With The Orchestra- Almost 5 years already!
Day Job- Stay at home Mama for my two little boys (Wyatt- 3&1/2, Jesse- 2)
Hobbies- Crafting, being outside, camping, violin, cooking, pottery and doing anything with my family
Favorite Pieces We’ve Played- Beethoven 9 was one performance I’ll never forget. We had the privilege of playing in Madison with a full choir, it was amazing! Not to mention the symphony, itself, it is so lovely. Also, I’d have to say that Mahler Symphony No. 4, (the piece that we didn’t get to play this spring), has been one of my very favorites. It’s so beautiful and expressive and I can’t wait to perform it!
Anything Musical Ive Been Doing the Past Few Week’s- Speaking of Beethoven 9, I have actually been listening to the 3rd movement on repeat a lot lately. It’s just so moving! Also, a while back, my grandparents found a little quarter size (really teeny!) size violin and I have kind of been trying to teach my 3&1/2 year old son (my 2 year old is really into it too!). We don’t practice as often as I’d like to, but both boys are interested when we get the violin out!