October Concerto Demo – Brahms


Movement 1

  1. beginning to m8. Violins, do not play last note of m8.
  2. chant along with audience as instructed (no playing)
  3. m57 to 64 (do not go on to 65)

4.m73 to 79 Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn 3-4 – play everything except 16th notes.

5.m73 to 79, everyone else – play everything

  1. m246, beat 2 to m263. Violins, do not play last note of m263. There will be talking after the downbeat of m258, then resume.

Movement 2

  1. sing along with audience as instructed (no playing)
  2. beginning to m6, b4
  3. m88 to m95, b5 – strings only

Movement 3

  1. beginning to m10 first half

Movement 4

  1. Beginning to m8
  2. same, melody only (E, F#, G, etc)
  3. m33 to m40. Violins and violas, drop out after m36 (I’ll cut you off)
  4. m185 to 192