I have lived in Burlington since graduating from college. I graduated from Lawrence University with a degree in Vocal Music Education. My present vocation is in my own studio where I teach private Voice, Violin and Piano lessons which I love.
How long have you played with the LGSO?
This is my 10th year playing violin with the Lake Geneva Symphony.
What have been some of your most favorite memories playing in the LGSO?
I have greatly enjoyed the variety of musical styles our music director, David Anderson chooses and challenges us with. In particular, I have been excited to take on the Beethoven symphonies one at a time for eight of the nine years. The 9th was my favorite played with vocal soloists as well as three college choruses. It was a monumental work and an exhilarating experience. A major goal of David’s is to educate the audiences and the children during our school tours which I have appreciated and thoroughly enjoyed.
When did you start playing the violin?
Piano lessons began when I was 7, that being my major instrument to date. Our Two Rivers, Wisconsin orchestra program began when I was in 7th grade and ended in the middle of 8th grade. I played the viola during that time and had the privilege to play a solo with the orchestra. Playing with an orchestra was one of my most impressive, magical musical experiences. I did not pick up the violin until my 3 year old daughter began violin lessons with Dawn Soeth who then asked me to begin violin study so that I could begin Suzuki Courses and teach her additional students.
What is your musical background?
I chose to continue piano lessons until a Senior in High School, doing some accompanying as well. I was athletically active, swimming, in particular, and water ballet being a highlight. Our club in one year put on 4 costumed shows all choreographed to music and a theme. There I was able to marry my musically artistic and athletic skills. As well as singing in choirs, I took voice lessons before attending Lawrence University. My voice teacher was my father’s cousin who happened to be the aunt of the soon to become world-renowned jazz guitarist, Pat Metheny. Beyond college I taught public general music classes and privately. I have had a wonderful career teaching private students, several who have chosen music teaching or music theatre for their profession, or have remarkable careers as medical doctors, veterinarians, foreign service and even one who became Cinderella at Disney World (dating Prince Charming, no less!)
Today, I sing with Burlington’s “Jubilate Novum” under the direction of Dr. Anne Armetta. I also play with “Three Close Friends”, a trio of three ladies playing 6-Hand trios and 4-hand duets and Duos. Also I am a part of Faith Chapel, Burlington’s Worship Team and LGSO as well.
What are your other hobbies?
In the past I enjoyed camping and Rocky Mountain backpacking. Today, I love to swim and recumbent bike. Quilting one quilt for each of 10 grandchildren and reading are other interests.
What personal musical goals do you hope to achieve?
I would like to continues skill development on the violin in orchestra and ensemble experiences.
What’s one goal you have for the orchestra to achieve in the next five years?
I would like to grow the partnership between the community and LGSO. This orchestra is a rich jewel we all should appreciate and support. LGSO has grown and changed and could not do it without David’s direction, our practicing and our audience attendance and support to continue this process.