Saturday and Sunday Details
The dress rehearsal is 3:00 – 5:30pm at the Ferro Pavilion on the campus of George Williams College. A map to the college can be found here, and a more specific campus map is here. You can arrive as early as 2:00, but for sure, please be there by 2:50 at the latest. Parking is at the Winston Paul parking lot (buildings G and H on the map) or along Constance Boulevard (far north side of camps). If you have a larger instrument, you can pull up to the back of the pavilion to unload, but there is no parking behind the pavilion.
Attire for Saturday is whatever you wear to regular rehearsals.
Attire: white over black
1:15 – 1:45 arrive (you can park in the same place as Saturay. No shuttle!)
2:00pm warm-up/sound check
2:30pm doors open
The player green room is Lower Lewis Hall (S on the campus map). They will provide light refreshments.
4:00pm concert begins.